Monday, 2 June 2008

Take That - Barlow Backs Take That Stage Show

TAKE THAT singer Gary Barlow has cautiously backed a musical based on the band's music, which has had its opening night in the West End.

"At first I thought it sounded horrible," Barlow told the BBC.

"But the reports I've seen have been really good so there must be something good in it. I'm just worried that they're better than us."

The band have had no involvement with the show, which is entitled Never Forget and is being stage at the Savoy Theatre.

It tells the fictional story of a Take That tribute band and includes songs like RELIGHT MY FIRE, PRAY, BACK FOR GOOD and BABE.

The band stressed they did not endorse the show when it was first announced in 2007, saying it was "absolutely and 100 per cent nothing to do with Take That".

However, Barlow appears to have relented, adding that the people he knows who have seen it "really had a good time".

23/05/2008 12:24:50

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