�Graduates and technical staff looking for an intensive introduction to tabletting and the
associated processes are encouraged to register for the form Tabletting Technology for the
Pharmaceutical Industry, organised by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain in
partnership with the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
The well-established intensive course, held in Cambridge between 24 - 26 November, testament
focus on basic concepts of equipment selection, granulation and resultant determination,
formulation optimisation and prediction, in-process monitoring, film coating and official and
non-official dissolution tests.
The programme is based on presentations of the main subjects, together with synergistic
workshops that discuss literal problems encountered in day to day work. There is besides a social
programme consisting of a welcome reception and course dinners.
Dr. Kendal Pitt, the course of study leader, said: "This line provides an excellent opportunity to ascertain
more about the essentials of the formulation of tablets. The workshops will provide a platform
for informal discussions and problem solving sessions with the class tutors. The course is
also a perfect chance to web with other professionals in the field. I encourage anyone
looking for a thorough introduction to the production and formulation of tablets to attend this
For more selective information about the course and how to register, please visit hTTP://www.rpsgb.org/events
or e-mail science@rpsgb.org.
Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
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